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 一、简 历

王伟, 教授,博士生导师。于1996~2006年在吉林大学经历本科、硕士、博士学历,并获得博士学位;2013年评为教授。2007-2009年,于中科院长春应化所,高分子物理与化学国家重点实验室,博士后研究;2014~2015年,于韩国延世大学,博士后研究。2014年入选吉林大学优秀青年教师(重点与精英阶段)培养计划;2017年入选吉林大学杰出青年基金培育计划。





1. 以项目负责人承担科研项目:累计科研经费近240万元。

2. 国家自然科学基金项目:全溶液法构建核心体系制备柔性浮栅有机晶体管非易失性存储器的研究(61774071

3. 国家自然科学基金项目:有机浮栅薄膜晶体管存储器的研制(61177028

4. 国家自然科学基金项目:otftoled集成像素的研制(60707015

5. 吉林省自然科学基金:溶液法制备基于分子浮栅的有机非易失性存储器的研究(20160101256jc

6. 吉林省自然科学基金:浮栅结构有机薄膜晶体管存储器的研制 (201115028

5. 吉林省科技发展计划项目青年科研基金:8×8有源矩阵寻址的otftoled显示屏的研制 (20080173

6.集成光电子学国家重点联合实验室吉林大学实验区自主课题:可光辅助编程电擦除的非易失性有机薄膜晶体管存储器的研制 (ioskl2012zz16

7. 吉林大学国家杰出青年科学基金后备人选培育计划

8. 吉林大学青年教师(重点与精英阶段)培养计划


1ting xu, shuxu guo, weihao qi, shizhang li, meili xu, and wei wang*, organic transistor nonvolatile memory with three-level information storage and optical detection functions, acs appl. mater. interfaces 2020, 12, 21952−21960.

2ting xu, shuxu guo, weihao qi, shizhang li, meili xu, wenfa xie, and wei wang*, high-performance flexible organic thinfilm transistor nonvolatile memory based on molecular floating-gate and pnheterojunction channel layer, appl. phys. lett. 116, 023301 (2020).

3meili xu, xindong zhang, shizhang li, ting xu, wenfa xie and wei wang *, gate-controlled multi-bit nonvolatile ferroelectric organic transistor memory on paper substrates, j. mater. chem. c, 2019, 7, 13477- -13485.

4ting xu, jiawei zou, shuxu guo, weihao qi, shizhang li, meili xu, wenfa xie, zhanchen cui,* and wei wang*, organic field-effect transistor nonvolatile memories with hydroxyl-rich polymer materials as functional gate dielectrics, adv. electron. mater. 2019, 1900569.

5meili xu, shuxu guo, ting xu, wenfa xie, wei wang, low-voltage programmable/erasable high performance flexible organic transistor nonvolatile memory based on a tetratetracontane passivated ferroelectric terpolymer, organic electronics 64 (2019) 62–70.

6ting xu, shuxu guo, meili xu, shizhang li, wenfa xie, and wei wang*, organic transistor nonvolatile memory with an integrated molecular floating-gate/tunneling layer, appl. phys. lett., 113 (2018) 243301.

7meili xu, shuxu guo, lanyi xiang, ting xu, wenfa xie, and wei wang*, high mobility flexible ferroelectric organic transistor nonvolatile memory with an ultrathin alox interfacial layer, ieee trans. electron devices, 65 (2018) 1113-1118.

8guodong wang*, xiaolian liu, and wei wang*, solution processed organic transistor nonvolatile memory with a floating-gate of carbon nanotubes, ieee electron device lett., 39 (2018) 111-114.

9meili xu, lanyi xiang, ting xu, wei wang*, wenfa xie, and dayu zhou, low-voltage operating flexible ferroelectric organic field-effect transistor nonvolatile memory with a vertical phase separation p(vdf-trfe-ctfe)/ps dielectric, appl. phys. lett., 111 (2017) 183302.

10ting xu, lanyi xiang, meili xu, wenfa xie & wei wang*, excellent low-voltage operating flexible ferroelectric organic transistor nonvolatile memory with a sandwiching ultrathin ferroelectric film, scientific reports, 7 (2017) 8890.

11chao wu, wei wang*, and junfeng song, solution processed top-gate high-performance organic transistor nonvolatile memory with separated molecular microdomains floating-gate, ieee electron device lett., 38 (2017) 641.

12lanyi xiang, jun ying, wei wang*, and wenfa xie, high mobility n-channel organic field-effect transistor based a tetratetracontane interfacial layer on gate dielectrics, ieee electron device lett., 37 (2016) 1632.

13chao wu, wei wang*, junfeng song, molecular floating-gate organic nonvolatile memory with a fully solution processed core architecture, appl. phys. lett., 109 (2016) 223301.

14lanyi xiang, wei wang*, fengli gao, improving mobility and stability of organic field-effect transistors by employing a tetratetracontane modifying pmma dielectric, ieee trans. electron devices, 63 (2016) 4440.

15lanyi xiang, wei wang*, wenfa xie, achieving high mobility, low-voltage operating organic field effect transistor nonvolatile memory by an ultraviolet-ozone treating ferroelectric terpolymer, sci. rep. 6 (2016) 36291.

16wei wang, kang lib kim, suk man cho, ju han lee, cheolmin park*, nonvolatile transistor memory with self-assembled semiconducting polymer nanodomain floating gates, acs appl. mater. interfaces, 8 (2016) 33863.

17ihn hwang,‡ wei wang,‡ sun kak hwang, sung hwan cho, kang lib kim, beomjin jeong, june huh, cheolmin park, multilevel non-volatile data storage utilizing common current hysteresis of networked single walled carbon nanotubes, nanoscale, 8 (2016) 10273.

18lanyi xiang, jun ying, jinhua han, letian zhang*, wei wang*, high reliable and stable organic field-effect transistor nonvolatile memory with a poly(4-vinyl phenol) charge trapping layer based on a pn-heterojunction active layer, appl. phys. lett., 108 (2016) 173301.

19wei wang, sun kak hwang, kang lib kim, ju han lee, suk man cho, cheolmin park*, highly reliable top-gated thin-film transistor memory with semiconducting, tunneling, charge-trapping, and blocking layers all of flexible polymers, acs appl. mater. interfaces 7 (2015) 10957.

20jun ying, jinhua han, lanyi xiang, wei wang*, wenfa xie, multilevel memory characteristics by light-assisted programming in floating-gate organic thin-film transistor nonvolatile memory, curr. appl. phys., 15 (2015) 770.





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