发表sci收录论文180余篇,论文引用11000多次,h因子60。2017年以来,以通讯作者身份在angew. chem. int. ed.、adv. mater.、adv. funct. mater.(2篇)、adv. energy. mater.、nano today、iew、biomaterials(3篇)、small(5篇)、theranostics(2篇)、biosens. bioelectron. (2篇) 、chemical engineering journal(2篇)等著名期刊上发表相关成果,其中吉林大学c刊论文11篇;以第一发明人身份获得授权发明专利6项。
2016年获得了法中科学及应用基金会“吉尔卡恩奖 (唯一获奖者);获得2019 年吉林省自然科学一等奖;获得 2018年吉林大学优秀博士后一等奖;获得 2018(首届)和2023年吉林大学课堂质量奖,2021年,被聘为吉林大学唐敖庆领军教授 (领军 b 岗位);2023年被评为吉林省高层次c类人才,入选首批新疆自治区“天池英才特聘教授”(省部级),吉林大学第一医院和口腔医院特聘教授,2023年荣获国家人力资源和社会保障部颁发的“全国创新创业优秀博士后”。
承担国家自然科学基金委-原创探索项目、科技部大气专项子课题、国家自然科学基金-面上项目、吉林省国际合作和面上基金等科研项目。担任《发光学报》《应用化学》杂志编委,sensors杂志编委,journal of nanomaterials杂志特约编辑,吉林省化学会医学与化学分会委员。
(1) breaking iron homeostasis: iron capturing nanocomposites for combating bacterial biofilm, , , , , *, *, *, angewandte chemie international edition, 2024. doi:10.1002/anie.202319690
(2) coumarin assist to realize efficient and stable multi-color emissions of the novel cs3lncl6 lead-free perovskite nanocrystals and the led application, liheng sun, songtao hu, jiao sun, biao dong*, advanced materials, 2024. doi:10.1002/adma.202310065
(3) perovskite solar cells with extremely high 24.63% efficiency through design of double electron transport layers and double luminescent converter layers, , , , *, , , *, *, advanced function materials, 10.1002/adfm.202401007
(4) a versatile upconversion-based multimode lateral flow platform for rapid and ultrasensitive detection of microrna towards health monitoring, cong chen, songtao hu, lulu tian, manlin qi, zhiyong chang, liang li*, lin wang*, biao dong*, , 2024, 252, 116135
(5) a coating strategy on titanium implants with enhanced photodynamic therapy and co-based gas therapy for bacterial killing and inflammation regulation, liang cheng, bingshuai zhou, manlin qi, yue sun*, biao dong*, lin wang*, yingwei yang*, , 2024, 35, 108648
(6) near-infrared light triggered upconversion nanocomposites with multifunction of enhanced antimicrobial photodynamic therapy and gas therapy for inflammation regulation, wei liu, yue sun, bingshuai zhou, yifan chen, min liu, lin wang, manlin qi, bailong liu, biao dong*, journal of colloid and interface science, 2024. doi:10.1016/j.jcis.2024.02.179
(7) nir-triggered multifunctional no nanoplatform for conquering thermalresistance in biofilms, bingshuai zhou, biao dong*, wei liu, liheng sun, lin wang*, manlin oi*, hongwei song*, small, 2024 doi:10.1002/smll.202310706
(8) synthesis of poly-γ-glutamic acid and its application in biomedical materials, minjian cai, yumin han, yuda wang, biao dong, chunmei zhang*,donghui gao*, jiao sun, zulpya mahmut, materials 2024, 17,17010015
(9) a dual-mode foam sensor employing ti3c2tx/in2o3 composites for nh3 detection with memory function and body movement monitoring for kidney disease diagnosis, , , , , , *, , , *, journal of materials chemistry a, , 44
(10) bacteria-activated macrophage membrane encapsulated ceo2-tcpp nanozyme with targeted and photo-enhanced antibacterial property, wen li, manlin qi, yue sun, jiao sun, biao dong*, lin wang*, small, 2023, 10, 2309664
(11) a novel z-scheme heterostructured bi2s3/cu-tcpp nanocomposite with synergistically enhanced therapeutics against bacterial biofilm infections in periodontitis, qingchao kong, manlin qi, wen li, yujia shi, jing su, shimeng xiao, jiao sun*, xue bai, biao dong*, and lin wang*, small, 2023, 19, 2302547
(12) flexible screen-printed electrochemical platform to detect hydrogen peroxide for the indication of periodontal disease, kun wang, xufeng zheng, manlin qi, wei zhang, juanrui du, qi han, chunyan li, biao dong, lin wang *, lin xu*, sensors and actuators b: chemical, 2023, 390, 133955
(13) dual-responsive nanocomposites for synergistic antibacterial therapies facilitating bacteria-infected wound healing shi cheng, manlin qi, wen li, wenyue sun, meiqi li, jinying lin, xue bai, yue sun*, biao dong*, and lin wang*, advanced healthcare materials,2023, 12, 2202652
(14) novel twin-crystal nanosheets with mno2 modification to combat bacterial biofilm against periodontal infections via multipattern strategies, qiuhan chen, manlin qi, fangyu shi, chengyu liu, yujia shi, yue sun, xue bai, lin wang, xiaolin sun*, biao dong*, and chunyan li*, advanced healthcare materials, 2023, 12, 2300313
(15) opal photonic crystal-enhanced upconversion turn-off fluorescent immunoassay for salivary cea with oral cancer, yige li, songtao hu, cong chen, nuernisha alifu, xueliang zhang, juanrui du, chunyan li, lin xu, lin wang*, biao dong*, talanta, 2023, 258, 124435
(16) near‐infrared light-triggered nitric oxide nanocomposites for photodynamic/photothermal complementary therapy against periodontal biofilm in an animal model, xiangrong wu, manlin qi, chengyu liu, qijing yang, sijia li, fangyu shi, xiaolin sun, lin wang*, chunyan li*, biao dong*, theranostics, 2023, 13, 2350–2367
(17) nanomaterials-mediated on-demand and precise antibacterial therapies, shi cheng, qihui wang, manlin qi, wenyue sun, kun wang, wen li, jinying lin, biao dong*, lin wang*,materials & design,2023, 230, 111982
(18) integrated dual-channel electrochemical immunosensor for early diagnosis and monitoring of periodontitis by detecting multiple biomarkers in saliva, wei zhang, juanrui du, kun wang, yige li, cong chen, long yang, zitong kan, biao dong, lin wang*, lin xu*, analytica chimica acta, 2023, 1247, 340878
(19) the convenience of polydopamine in designing sers biosensors with a sustainable prospect for medical application, lulu tian, cong chen, jing gong, qi han, yujia shi, meiqi li, liang cheng*, lin wang* and biao dong*, sensors, 2023, 23, 4641
(20) highly hydrostable and flexible opal photonic crystal film for enhanced up-conversion fluorescence sensor of covid-19 antibody, songtao hu, liheng sun, hongwei song, xue bai, lin xu, biao dong*, et al. biosensors and bioelectronics, 2023, 237: 115484
(21) ,liheng sun, biao dong*, jiao sun*, yue wang, rui sun, songtao hu, bingshuai zhou, wen xu, xue bai, lin xu, donglei zhou, hongwei song* , , 2023,2300045
(22) vitamin natural molecule enabled highly efficient and stable planar n–p homojunction perovskite solar cells with efficiency exceeding 24.2%,bin liu, yuqi wang, yanjie wu, yuhong zhang, jiekai lyu, zhongqi liu, shuhang bian, xue bai, lin xu, donglei zhou, biao dong* and hongwei song* adv. energy mater. 2023, 13, 2203352
(23) gallium and gallium compounds: new insights into the trojan horse strategy in medical applications, wenyue sun, manlin qi, shi cheng, chunyan li, biao dong*, lin wang*, materials & design 2023, 227, 111704
(24) recent progress of nanostructure-based enrichment of circulating tumor cells and downstream analysis lihua guo, chang liu, manlin qi, liang cheng,* lin wang, chunxia li * and biao dong*, lab on a chip 2023 doi: 10.1039/d2lc00890d
(25) nir responsive nitric oxide nanogenerator for enhanced biofilm eradication and inflammation immunotherapy against periodontal diseases,manlin qi, xuan ren, wen li, yue sun, xiaolin sun, chunyan li, siyao yu, lin xu, yanmin zhou, shuyan song, biao dong,* lin wang, nano today 2022, 43,101447
(26) simultaneous bottom-up double-layer synergistic optimization by multifunctional fused-ring acceptor with electron-deficient core for stable planar perovskite solar cells with approaching 24% efficiency, bin liu, yuqi wang, yanjie wu, lin xu, biao dong*, hongwei song* nano energy, 2022, 99, 107368
(27) upconversion luminescence based inverted microfluidic chip for in situ ctcs capture, monitor and killing,jiekai lyu, hongwei xu, biao dong*, chunxia li, siyao yu, songtao hu, bingshuai zhou, lin wang, hongwei song* chemical engineering journal 2022, 448, 137761
(28) dual-responsive nanocomposites for synergistic antibacterial therapies facilitating bacteria-infected wound healing. shi cheng, manlin qi, wen li, wenyue sun, meiqi li, jingying lin, xue bai, yue sun*, biao dong*, lin wang*. advanced healthcare materials 2022, doi: 10.1002/adhm.202202652.
(29) antibacterial pdt nanoplatform capable of releasing therapeutic gas for synergistic and enhanced treatment against deep infections, bingshuai zhou, xiaolin sun, biao dong*, siyao yu, liang cheng, songtao hu, wei liu, lin xu, xue bai, lin wang, hongwei song, theranostics, 2022; 12(6): 2580-2597
(30) near-infrared-activated nanohybrid coating with black phosphorus/zinc oxide for efficient biofilm eradication against implant-associated infections, jiao fang, yao wan, yue sun, xiaolin sun, manlin qi, shi cheng, chunyan li, yanmin zhou, lin xu, biao dong*, lin wang* chemical engineering journal 435 (2022) 134935
(31) photonic crystal effects on upconversion enhancement of lierf4:0.5%tm3 @liyf4 for noncontact cholesterol detection ling zhang, songtao hu, yang lu, bin jiang, xiaomin liu, xiaodan li, xu zhao, xu yan, chenguang wang, xiaoteng jia, fengmin liu, biao dong,* and geyu lu*acs appl. mater. interfaces 2022, 14, 428−438
(32) recent progress in fluorescent probes for metal ion detection (review), luanjing li, jiahe wang, shihan xu, chunxia li and biao dong* frontiers in chemistry, 2022, 10, 875241, doi: 10.3389/fchem.2022.875241
(33) oxygen self-su fficient nanoplatform for enhanced and selective antibacterial photodynamic therapy against anaer obe-induced periodontal disease, xiaolin sun; jiao sun; yue sun; lin xu; yanmin zhou; lin wang; biao dong*; advanced functional materials, 2021, 2101040
(34) quercetin-loaded ceria nanocomposite potentiate du al-directional immunoregulation via macrophage polarization against periodontal inflammation, wang, yu; li, chunyan; wan, yao; qi, manlin; chen, qiuhan; sun, yue; sun, xiaolin; fang, jiao; fu, li; xu, lin; biao dong*; wang, lin ; small, 2021, 17(41): 0-2101505
(35) antibacterial zeolite imidazole frameworks with manganese doping for immunomodulation to accelerate infected wound healing, yao wan, jiao fang, yu wang, jiao sun, yue sun, xiaolin sun, manlin qi, wen li, chunyan li, yanmin zhou, lin xu,* biao dong,* and lin wang*, adv. healthcare mater. 2021, 10, 2101515
(36) double stopband bilayer photonic crystal based upconversion fluorescence psa sensorhu s.t., xu h.w., zhou b.s., xu s.h., shen b., dong b.*, mintova s., song h.w., sensors and actuators b: chemical, 2021, 326, 128816
(37) a versatile nanocomposite based on nanoceria for antibacterial enhancement and protection from apdt-a ggravated inflammation via modulation of macrophage polarization, yue sun; xiaolin sun; xue li; wen li; chunyan li; yanmin zhou; lin wang; biao dong*; biomaterials, 2021, 268, 12061
(38) novel dental adhesive containing silver exchanged emt zeolites against cariogenic biofilms to combat dental caries, wen lia, manlin qi, xiaolin sun, lin wang, biao dong* microporous and mesoporous materials 2020, 299, 110113
(39) high fluorescence laobr/coumarin organic–inorganic composite nanomaterials for ultra-sensitive fe3 sensing, fluorescence imaging and water-based ink anti-counterfeiting applications,liheng sun, jingshi liu, shihan xu, biao dong, * jiekai lv, songtao hu, bingshuai zhou, bo shen, yuqi wang, lin xu, wen xu, xue bai and hongwei song j. mater. chem. c, 2020, 8, 13733
(40) water-soluble coumarin oligomer based ultra-sensitive iron ion probe and applications jingshi liu, yuan guo, biao dong,* jiao sun, jiekai lyu, liheng sun, songtao hu,lin xu, xue bai, wen xu, svetlana mintova, hongwei song,* sensors & actuators: b. chemical, 2020, 320, 128361
(41) highly sensitive and selective acetone sensor based on three-dimensional ordered wo3/au nanocomposite with enhanced performancexinran zhang, biao dong,* wei liu, xiangyu zhou, min liu, xueke sun, jiekai lv, liangle zhang, wen xu, xue bai, lin xu, svetlana mintova, hongwei song,* sensors & actuators: b. chemical, 2020, 320, 128405
(42) noninvasive temperature monitoring for dual-modal tumor therapy based on lanthanide-doped up-conversion nanocomposites, xueke sun, jiao sun, biao dong*, xinran zhang, min liu, lin xu, xue bai, wen xu, hongwei song, biomaterials 2019, 201, 42–52
(43) evaluation of hocl-generating anticancer agents by an ultrasensitive dual-mode fluorescent probe, donglei shi, shuqiang chen, biao dong (共同一作), yanhui zhang, chunquan sheng, tony d. james and yuan guo, chem. sci., 2019, 10, 3715
(44) surface treatments on titanium implants via nanostructured ceria for antibacterial and anti-inflammatory capabilities. xue li, manlin qi, xiaolin sun, michael d. weir, franklin r. tay, thomas w. oates, biao dong*, yanmin zhou, lin wang, hockin h.k. xu, acta biomaterialia 2019, 94, 627–643
(45) novel nanotechnology and near-infrared photodynamic therapy to kill periodontitis-related biofilm pathogens and protect the periodontium,manlin qi, xue li, xiaolin sun, chunyan li, franklin r. tay,michael d. weir, biao dong*, yanmin zhoua, lin wang*, hockin h.k. xu dental materials 2019, 35, 1665-1681
(46) ce6-c6-tpz co-loaded albumin nanoparticles for synergistic combined pdt-chemotherapy of cancer, xueke sun, jiao sun, jiekai lv, biao dong,* min liu, jingshi liu, liheng sun, guangji zhang, li zhang, gaosheng huang, wen xu, lin xu,xue bai and hongwei song, j. mater. chem. b, 2019, 7, 5797
(47) nanoparticles having amphiphilic silane containing chlorin e6 with strong anti-biofilm activity against periodontitis-related pathogens, xiaolin sun, linwang, christopher d. lynch, xueke sun, xue li, manlin qi, cui ma, chunyan li, biao dong*, yanmin zhou, hockin h. k. xu. journal of dentistry, 2019, 81, 70–84
(48) xinran zhang, jiao sun, jingshi liu, hongwei xu, biao dong*, xueke sun, tianxiang zhang, shihan xu, lin xu, xue bai, shuang zhang, svetlana mintova, geyu lu, hongwei song, label-free electrochemical immunosensor based on conductive ag contained emt-style nano-zeolites and the application for α-fetoprotein detection, sensors and actuators b: chemical, 2018, 255, 2919–2926
(49) biao dong, richard retoux, vincent de waele, sandro g. chiodo, tzonka mineva, julien cardin, svetlana mintova*, sodalite cages of emt zeolite confined neutral molecular-like silver clusters, microporous and mesoporous materials 2017, 244, 74-82
(50) xueke sun, biao dong,* hongwei xu,; shihan xu, xinran zhang, yanxia lin, lin xu, xue bai, shuang zhang, hongwei song*, amphiphilic silane modified multifunctional nanoparticles for magnetically targeted photodynamic therapy, acs applied materials & interfaces 2017, 9, 11451
(51) hongwei xu, biao dong,* qiaoqin xiao, xueke sun, xinran zhang, jiekai lyu, yudan yang, lin xu, xue bai, shuang zhang, and hongwei song, three-dimensional inverse opal photonic crystal substrates toward efficient capture of circulating tumor cells acs appl. mater. interfaces 2017, 9, 30510−30518
(52) hongwei xu, biao dong*, shihan xu, sai xu, xueke sun, jiao sun, yudan yang, lin xu, xue bai, shuang zhang, ze yin, hongwei song, high purity microfluidic sorting and in situ inactivation of circulating tumor cells based on multifunctional magnetic composites, biomaterials 2017, 138, 69-79
(53) lihang zhang, biao dong*, lin xu, xinran zhang, jianjun chen, xueke sun, hongwei xu, tianxiang zhang, xue bai, shuang zhang, hongwei song, three-dimensional ordered zno–fe3o4 inverse opal gas sensortoward trace concentration acetone detection,sensors and actuators b 2017, 252, 367–374
(54) tianxiang zhang, hongwei xu, he wang, jinyang zhu, yue zhai, xue bai, biao dong* and hongwei song, green fluorescent organic nanoparticles based on carbon dots and self-polymerized dopamine for cell imaging, rsc adv., 2017, 7, 28987
(55) yanxia lin, hongwei xu, biao dong,* xueke sun, chunhe li, jianing li, lin xu, xue bai and hongwei song, amphiphilic silane modified multifunctional nanoparticles for ratiometric oxygen sensing rsc adv., 2017, 7, 34118
(1) 董彪; 吕杰凯; 李春霞; 孙娇; 宋宏伟; 王林; 白雪; 徐琳 ; 捕获和/或计数细胞的微流控芯片及其制备方法和应用, 2022-3-3, 中国, 202011133693.3
(2) 董彪; 胡松涛; 宋宏伟; 孙娇; 李春霞; 王林; 徐琳; 白雪 ; 一种提高蛋白石光子晶体薄膜水/机械稳定性的方法, 2021-3-5, 中国, 202110244854.4 (专利 )
(3) 董彪; 刘静诗; 孙娇; 洪德成; 徐琳; 白雪; 宋宏伟 ; 一种用于检测fe3 的有机荧光传感探针及制备 方法、使用方法和应用, 2020-1-17, 中国, zl201810487433.2
(4) 董彪; 许红威; 徐诗函; 宋宏伟; 白雪; 徐琳; 孙雪珂 ; 用于循环肿瘤细胞捕获的纳米结构微流控芯片及其制备方法, 2018-3-22, 中国, 201610247371.9
(5) 董彪; 宋宏伟; 王宇; 白雪; 徐琳 ; 稀土上转换纳米晶/银双功能复合纳米材料及制备方法及在癌症检测与治疗中的应用, 2013-4-17, 中国, cn201010274976.x
(1) 2016吉尔卡恩奖“gilles kahn –servier prize 2016”唯一获奖者,法中科学及应用基金会 la fondation franco-chinoise pour la science et ses applications (ffcsa)
(2) 2019年度-吉林省自然科学一等奖“稀土纳米晶的光电性能调控与应用研究”, 排名第三,宋宏伟; 董斌; 董彪; 白雪; 徐琳; 徐文; 张振翼
(3) 2023年荣获国家人力资源和社会保障部颁发的“全国创新创业优秀博士后”
(4) 2018年,吉林大学优秀博士后一等奖
(5) 2018年及2023年,吉林大学课堂教学质量奖
(6) “frist prize for the best poster presentation”2013.09 第五届介孔微孔材料国际会议(保加利亚),5th international symposium advanced micro- & mesoporous materials”
(7) 2010年,吉林省科技进步一等奖,“强紫外上转换发光材料及其特性的研究”,秦伟平,宋宏伟,秦冠仕,王宇,赵丹,张继森,董彪,白雪