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时间:2015年07月08日 09:25:11 发表部门: 研究生办公室 点击次数:次

第三届超快激光光电子学国际研讨会(the 3rd international workshop on ultrafast laser optoelectronics (ulo 2015))将于2015年7月9日(9:00-18:00)在吉林大学前卫南区唐敖庆楼d区314举行,此次会议由集成光电子学国家重点实验室与吉林大学电子科学与工程学院主办,意在增加超快激光光电子学及相关领域的研究,促进全球范围内该领域专家学者的交流和合作。今年,共邀请到13位世界各地专家学者做邀请报告,届时欢迎各位师生前来听会。

date: july 9, 2015

place: room d314, tang ao-qing building

host: state key laboratory on integrated optoelectronics, college of

electronic science and engineering, jilin university, china

报 告 人: xi-cheng zhang(university of rochester, usa)

报告题目: thz wave air photonics

报告时间: 09:10-09:40

报 告 人: hong-bo sun (jilin university)

报告题目: advanced organic optoelectronic devices enabled by rapid

laser multi-beam interference

报告时间: 09:40-10:10

海报展示: 10:10-11:00

报 告 人: remo proietti zaccaria(italian institute of technology,


报告题目: the power of controlling matter at the nanoscale

报告时间: 11:00-11:30

报 告 人: zhe-yufang(peking university, china)

报告题目: plasmonic application with 2dmaterials and its near-field


报告时间: 11:30-12:00

报 告 人: qiao-liangbao(soochow university, china)

报告题目: photonics of two-dimensionalmaterials beyond graphene

报告时间: 12:00-12:30

报 告 人: yun-fengxiao(peking university, china)

报告题目: single nanoparticle detection byusing high-q photonic


报告时间: 12:30-13:00

报 告 人: christiankoos(karlsruhe institute of technology, germany)

报告题目: terabitcommunications using optical frequency combs

报告时间: 14:00-14:30

报 告 人: xing-de li(johns hopkinsuniversity, usa)

报告题目: multiphoton endomicroscopy forlabel-free optical histology

imaging in vivo

报告时间: 14:30-15:00

报 告 人: da-pingchu(university of cambridge, uk)

报告题目: phase-onlyspatial light modulators and applications

报告时间: 15:00-15:30

报 告 人: xiang-pingli(jinan university, china)

报告题目: nanophotonics for ultrahighcapacity and ultrahigh

throughput opticaldata storage

报告时间: 15:30-16:00

海报展示: 16:00-16:30

报 告 人: luke plee(university of california, usa)

报告题目: quantumnanophotonics for life sciences and medicine

报告时间: 16:30-17:00

报 告 人: saulius juodkazis(swinburneuniversity of technology, australia)

报告题目: high precision fabrication ofantennas by combination of

ion and electronbeam lithographies

报告时间: 17:00-17:30

报 告 人: yi-yangsun(rensselaer polytechnic institute,usa)

报告题目: perovskites: a new family of highefficiency solar cell


报告时间: 17:30-18:00

