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  王琛,吉林大学电子科学与工程学院教授,博士生导师。于2013年和2016年分别获吉林大学电子科学与工程学院电子科学与技术专业工学学士和微电子学与固体电子学专业理学硕士学位;2019年获九州大学综合理工学府物质理工学专业工学博士学位。20201-202311月在香港科技大学电子计算机及工程系先后任博士后研究员和研究助理教授(research assistant professor);202311入职吉林大学电子科学与工程学院。目前在 nature electronics, nature photonics, nano letters, acs nano, acs sensors, sensors and actuators b: chemical等期刊上发表研究论文30余篇,被引3000余次,h因子24。获得第四十八届日内瓦国际发明展铜奖,中国电子学会优秀硕士论文、吉林省优秀硕士论文、日本文部省奖学金等奖项。






1. c. wang†, z. chen†, c. l. j. chan, z. wan, w. ye, w. tang, z. ma, b. ren, d. zhang, z. song, y. ding, z. long, s. poddar, w. zhang, z. wan, f. xue, s. ma, q. zhou, g. lu, k. liu, z. fan*, biomimetic olfactory chips based on large-scale monolithically integrated nanotube sensor arrays, nature electronics, 2024, online.

2. c. wang, t. hosomi, k. nagashima, t. takahashi, g. zhang, m. kanai, h. yoshida, and t. yanagida, phosphonic acid modified zno nanowire sensors:directing reaction pathway of volatile carbonyl compounds, acs applied materials & interfaces,2020, 12, 44265-44272.

3. c. wang, t. hosomi, k. nagashima, t. takahashi, g. zhang, m. kanai, h. zeng, w. mizukami, n. shioya, t. shimoaka, t. tamaoka, h. yoshida, s. takeda, t. yasui, y. baba, y. aoki, j. terao, t. hasegawa, and t. yanagida, rational method of monitoring molecular transformations on metal-oxide nanowire surfaces, nano letters, 2019, 19, 2443-2449.

4. c. wang, x. cui, j. liu, x. zhou, x. cheng, p. sun, x. hu, x. li, j. zheng, and g. lu, design of superior ethanol gas sensor based on al-doped nio nanorod-flowers, acs sensors, 2016, 1, 131-136. (cover paper)

5. c. wang, j. liu, q. yang, p. sun, y. gao, f. liu, j. zheng, and g. lu, ultrasensitive and low detection limit of acetone gas sensor based on w-doped nio hierarchical nanostructure, sensors and actuators b: chemical, 2015, 220, 59-67.

6. c. wang, x. cheng, x. zhou, p. sun, x. hu, k. shimanoe, g. lu, and n. yamazoe, hierarchical α-fe2o3/nio composites with a hollow structure for a gas sensor, acs applied materials & interfaces, 2014, 6, 12031-12037.

7. l. zhao, r. jin, c. wang*, t. wang, y. sun, p. sun*, g. lu, flower-like zno-co3o4 heterojunction composites for enhanced acetone sensing, sensors and actuators b: chemical, 2023, 390, 133964.

8. y. xiao, h. li, c. wang*, s. pan, j. he, a. liu, j. wang, p. sun, f. liu*, g. lu, room temperature wearable gas sensors for fabrication and applications, advanced sensor research, 2023, 2300035.

9. d. zhang, q. zhang, b. ren, y. zhu, m. abdellah, y. fu, b. cao, c. wang, l. gu, y. ding, k.-h. tsui, s. fan, s. poddar, l. shu, y. zhang, d.-b. kuang, j.-f. liao, y. lu, k. zheng, z. he, z. fan, large-scale planar and spherical light-emitting diodes based on arrays of perovskite quantum wires, nature photonics, 2022, 16, 4, 284-290.

10. w. tang, z. chen, z. song, c. wang, z. wan, c. l. j. chan, z. chen, w. ye, z. fan*, microheater integrated nanotube array gas sensor for parts- per-trillion level gas detection and single sensor-based gas discrimination, acs nano, 2022, 16 (7), 10968-10978.







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