一、 简 历
1. 国家自然科学基金面上基金项目,61775077,超快脉冲激光辐照黑硅的红外吸收机制探索及近红外光电探测器件应用研究,2018/01-2021/12, 62万元,结题,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金, 61307119,面向红外探测应用的飞秒激光微结构化黑硅的掺杂改性研究, 2014/01-2016/12, 26万元,已结题, 主持
3. 国家自然科学基金重点项目子课题, 61235004, 新型半导体激光器及多功能光子集成基础研究, 2013/01-2017/12, 50万元, 已结题, 主持
4. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目, 2013m541300, 超快飞秒激光制备结构化黑硅的掺杂改性机理研究, 2014/11-2015/12, 5万元, 已结题, 主持
5. 入选2019年度励新优秀青年教师培养计划重点培养阶段。
本科生课程:半导体材料, 光电子学与光电器件实验
1. y.-c. gao, j.-h. zhao*, x.-p. wang, and n.-k. chen, “first-principles research on mechanism of sub-band-absorption of amorphous silicon induced by ultrafast laser irradiation,” results in physics 31, 104941 (2021).
2. c. li, j.-h. zhao*, y. yang, q.-d. chen, z.-g. chen, and h.-b. sun, “sub-bandgap photo-response of chromium hyperdoped black silicon photodetector fabricated by femtosecond laser pulses,” ieee sens. j 21, 25695 (2021).
3. y. yang, j.-h. zhao*, c. li, q.-d. chen, z.-g. chen, and h.-b. sun, sub-bandgap absorption and photo-response of molybdenum-heavily-doped black silicon fabricated by femtosecond laser, opt. lett. 46, 3300 (2021).
4. c. li, j.-h. zhao*, and z. -g chen, infrared absorption and sub-bandgap photo-response of hyperdoped silicon by ion implantation and ultrafast laser melting, j. alloys compd. 883, 106765 (2021).
5. s. -y. liang, y. -z. dai, g. wang, h. xia, and j.-h zhao, “room-temperature fabrication of sic microwire photodetectors on rigid and flexible substrates via femtosecond laser direct writing”, nanoscale 12, 23200 (2020).
6. j. -h. zhao, x. -b. li, q. -d. chen, z. -g. chen, and h. -b. sun, “ultrafast laser induced black silicon, from micro-nanostructuring, infrared absorption mechanism, to high performance detecting devices”, materials today nano 11, 100078 (2020).
7. c. li, j. -h. zhao*, x. chen, f. -y. li, x. -l. zhang, z. -g. chen, and q. -d. chen, investigation of the structure and optical absorption of silicon coated with a chromium film after femtosecond laser irradiation, semicond sci. technol. 35, 015019 (2020).
8. j.-h. zhao, c.-h. li, x.-b. li, q.-d. chen, z.-g. chen, and h.-b. sun nir photodetector based on nanosecond laser-modified silicon, ieee trans. electron devices 65, 4905 (2018).
9. c.-h. li, j.-h. zhao*, q.-d. chen, j. feng, and h.-b. sun, “sub-bandgap photo-response of non-doped black-silicon fabricated by nanosecond laser irradiation,” opt. lett. 43, 1710 (2018).
10. c.-h. li, x.-p. wang, j.-h. zhao*, d.-z. zhang, x.-y. yu, x.-b. li, j. feng, q.-d. chen, s.-p. ruan, and h.-b. sun, “black silicon ir photodiode supersaturated with nitrogen by femtosecond laser irradiation,” ieee sens. j. 18, 3595 (2018).
11. x. -y. yu, j. -h. zhao*, c. -h. li, q. -d. chen, and h. -b. sun, “gold-hyperdoped black silicon with high ir absorption by femtosecond laser irradiation,” ieee trans. nanotechnol. 16, 502 (2017).
12. c.-h. li, j.-h. zhao*, x.-y. yu, q.-d. chen, j. feng, p.-d. han, and h.-b. sun, “sulfur-doped silicon photodiode by ion implantation and femtosecond laser annealing,” ieee sens. j. 17, 2367 (2017).
13. j.-h. zhao, z.-h. lv, c.-h. li, x.-y. yu, and x. -b. li*, “the infrared photodiode of textured silicon irradiated under mixed gas by femtosecond laser”, ieee sens. j. 17, 1000 (2017).
14. c. -h. li, j.-h. zhao*, x. -y. yu, q. -d. chen, j. feng, and h.-b. sun, “fabrication of black silicon with thermostable infrared absorption by femtosecond laser”, ieee photon. j. 8, 6805809 (2016).
15. x.-y. yu, z.-h. lv, c.-h. li, x. han, and j.-h. zhao*, “the optical and electrical properties of co-doped black silicon textured by a femtosecond laser and its application to infrared light sensing”, ieee sens. j. 16, 5227 (2016).
16. j. -h. zhao, c.-h. li, q.-d. chen, b.-w. cheng and h.-b. sun, “surface detection of strain-relaxed si1-xgex alloys with high ge-content by optical second-harmonic generation, ieee j. quantum electron. 51, 7000606 (2015).
17. z. -x. y, c.-h. li, y. luo, j. -h. zhao*, h. yang, p. verma, and s.kawata, “silver hierarchical structures grown on microstructured silicon in chip for microfluidic integrated catalyst and sers detector”, chin. opt. lett. 13, 102401 (2015).
18. c. -h. li, j.-h. zhao*, q. -d. chen, j. feng, w.-t. zheng, and h.-b. sun, “infrared absorption of femtosecond laser textured silicon under vacuum”, ieee photon. technol. lett. 27, 1481 (2015).
19. j.-h. zhao, c.-h. li, q.-d. chen, and h.-b. sun, “femtosecond laser direct writing assisted nonequilibriumly doped silicon n -p photodiodes for light sensing, ieee sens. j. 15, 4259 (2015).
20. j.-h. zhao, c.-h. li, j.-j. xu, y.-w. hao, and x.-b. li, “surface modification of nanostructured zns by femtosecond laser pulsing”, appl. surf. sci. 293, 332 (2014).
1. 一种铬掺杂黑硅材料及其制备方法,赵纪红;李超;陈占国;陈岐岱;李贤斌;孙洪波, 2019-7-12, 中国,cn201910629571 .4.
2. 一种基于氮化镁薄膜的光电探测器件及其制备方法,陈占国; 李方野; 赵纪红; 刘秀环; 王帅; 陈曦; 侯丽新; 高延军,2020-1-13, 中国, zl202010030275.5.
3. 一种氮化镁薄膜及其制备方法,陈占国; 王帅; 陈曦; 赵纪红; 刘秀环; 侯丽新; 李方野; 高延军2019-2-26, 中国, cn201910139644.1.
4. 一种以磁控溅射cu薄膜为缓冲层的二维hbn薄膜及其制备方法,陈占国; 赵泽利; 陈曦; 赵纪红; 刘秀环; 侯丽新; 高延军2021-3-15, 中国, cn202110273353.9.
5. 一种mg原位掺杂的p型六方氮化硼薄膜及其制备方法,陈占国; 刘晓航; 陈曦; 赵纪红; 刘秀环; 侯丽新; 高延军2021-2-18, 中国, cn202110186779.0.
6. 一种以金刚石为衬底生长的高质量六方氮化硼薄膜及其制备方法,陈占国; 谭春波; 陈曦; 刘秀环; 赵纪红; 侯丽新; 高延军2021-3-15, 中国, cn202110273352.4.
7. 利用过渡金属或合金作为缓冲层提高六方氮化硼结晶质量的方法 陈占国; 栾凯然; 陈曦; 张文博; 刘秀环; 赵纪红; 侯丽新; 高延军2020-1-19, 中国, cn202010060273.0.